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Wedding Hampers

Wedding gift basket ideas

When you think of wedding gift basket ideas, we recommend that you consider the life stage of the couple and what they might enjoy. Many people love to toast new milestones, so a bottle of bubbly is welcomed. Perhaps they are expecting a little one so a new baby gift would be thoughtful. Maybe they just love to share new foods together, so a food basket tops the gift list. Lastly, you may think they just need some time to relax, unwind and enjoy each other. In that case, a pampering gift should be what you turn to. For every single type of couple at any point in their life, we have the perfect wedding gift basket for them.

Why choose our wedding hampers?

Who better to design the ideal gift for a brand new family than our family? Since 2005, the Pittas family has been creating luxury wedding hampers from our St Albans warehouse and arranging delivery to venues all across the country. When you want to make a lasting impression, you have to go big. But that’s not always convenient to carry and transport yourself. With Hampergifts, we’ll take care of all that for you - including your heartfelt message and getting even the most impressively large wedding hampers where they need to go as quickly as the very next day (even on Saturday).

When to gift a wedding gift hamper

Obviously, you want to send a wedding gift hamper regardless of whether you can attend the ceremony yourself. You may choose to have it delivered to the couple's home or to the wedding venue directly. You’ll just want to check with the venue about their reception policies to ensure they’ll have someone who can accept delivery and get it to the wedding gift table on your behalf. This shouldn't be a problem, however, as most popular locations for nuptials are happy to do so and will have a set process for you (and us) to follow that they can share.

Gift basket for wedding gift tables

A gift basket for wedding gift tables not only needs to have enjoyable things within it but also make sense in the context of such an extravagant celebration. It must look the part (not just contain excellent gifts); although the science of how we balance our flavours is one of the reasons people come back to us again and again. For that reason, unless you know the colour scheme of the ceremony, we recommend white, natural or metallic packaging or ribboning. This will ensure that your basket does not clash with the overall decor in the venue. Of course, that doesn’t apply if you’re sending a gift directly to their home… In that case, aesthetics matter less than the actual contents of the wedding hampers you choose.

Safe, secure delivery

Whatever method you pick- venue or home delivery - know that our wedding hampers are looked after by trained couriers, dedicated to ensuring the safe and secure delivery of each of our baskets. You’ll have full tracking throughout the journey and peace of mind knowing it’s being handled with care and attention.